Saturday, 10 February 2018

Best practice for BluePrism.

1. Always handle exception  in "Main page" While making multiple  sub process and calling that process in "Main Page".

2. Always put the sub pages in same  blocks which have the chances of throwing same exception or might be possible different in case you forget to specify errors in sub process then use only one "Recovery" inside the same block, "Resume and Exception stage" could be outside the block.

3. Use blocks with different colours to differentiate  your "input, output, global and local dataitems" for better understanding.

4. While spying web elements from web pages always uncheck the link or url of the page from properties window in "Application Moduller", because it could be possible that your Url get change.

5. Always try to ignore writing logics inside the "Object", keep "Object" as simple as possible.

6. Keep "Error" count to "0". Use button next to "Reset" button in menu bar.

These  are all small tips that make your life easy while developing Bots.

Friday, 2 February 2018

Blue Prism trick to capture label on sap and set focus

This trick help you to spy label on sap and change its property and use it as according to your requirement.

Some time we are unable to set focus on label in sap because may be that label is inside some grid or shell, so to do that what we need to do is to spy the label first and check in navigation stage that do you able to get the focus option in drop down after dragging the label element if not then just spy the textbox anywhere from SAP and use its object id in place where label object id  in application moduller and try that label element in navigation stage you will find focus option.

Hey guys if you like this trick do comment below and if you have any questions on Automation anywhere or blue prism  please let me know.