Thursday, 27 December 2018

Root of our Society

Hi all,
Have we ever thought how much selfish are we?
I am damn sure after reading first line lots of people will skip this post, no issue.
Let start the incident which was happened with me on the next day of x-mas.
Me and my collegues decided to go for lunch in office hour and restraunt is about half km from our office and decided to go by walk and it was too sunny out side, so we ask one auto rickshaw and he was charging 40 RS for 4 people, we refuse him and decided to take walk and reached to restraunt,had our lunch, bill was around 3k for 6 people including 1 mineral water bottle  cost 200 RS, There are only 3 dishes we ordered and it was 50% discout time.
After all these ends what i notice we always neglect the poor people but without any bargaining we pay the rich one what they charge us because of big brand.
My question is why we are alway shows respect to rich people and ignores  the poor one?
Just think about it without these people what will be our conditon.
who will be their to work for making road, streets, houses, colonies,office.
who will be for public transport, cleaning staff for road,streets,offices,hospitals ..
There are countless areas where these people are working soo hard and not get any appreciation  from us. But we are so much selfish even though we totally dependent  on them but never shows the respect which they really deserves.
After all these one thing i realised..
like a King cant be a king without his people. A Tree cant grow up without having roots.Our Society is a huge tree n these people are roots  of our Society.
Please don't restrict your love to just your family, friends and money, these people also play a very important role in our life.

Sunday, 30 September 2018

Regular Expression in RPA

In RPA, have you ever been in any situation where you have to deal with some phone no, mail address or web links in between some context and you have to capture that pattern from that context.

Regular expression(RE)  is the best practice for such scenario. RE is a sequence of character that determine the search pattern. This make the task very easy to capture some pattern from any context.

If RPA developer have an idea of Meta Characters then it will make his life very easy.
Some essential patterns.

Mail: [\w.]+@\w+\.(net|com|edu)

Date: (\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{1,4})
pattern like. 21/3/2018

Image: ([^\S]+(?=\.(jpg|gif|png))\.\2)

Phone no: \(?\d{3}[-.)]\d{3}[-.]\d{4}
paterns like.

weblink: \[.*?\]\(https.*?\)
patterns like.

If you have some other patterns and it's RE then do share in comment.

Saturday, 28 July 2018

Are you a good RPA developer ?

Have you ever thought you could be a great RPA developer if you update yourself in these technologies?
When I started my career in RPA, on my first interview, interviewer was asking me about .net framework, Sql only, that time I was thinking why these people are asking such a sily questions which are not related to RPA, but I was wrong, After one n half year I came to know that what really that interviewer was searching for. Now a days people are getting trained in RPA tool, but they don't updated theirself with those technologies which helps to delivery a good  product to support and fulfil all the requirements of business .  

RPA is not related to a specific tool only, You should know sql and .net like how webservies work, how SDA work in backend, what is dataset, it's  not like create  a bot from any automation tool it's all about how you automate the business process by using all these and make a bot much more reliable and efficient which fulfil all the needs of business process, which reduce the maintainence cost,Using Db to monitor bot status for completion of each process it help monitoring team to track bot. RPA developer must have an idea of sql,excel, Sap,web services and .net.
Just think about it.

Saturday, 10 February 2018

Best practice for BluePrism.

1. Always handle exception  in "Main page" While making multiple  sub process and calling that process in "Main Page".

2. Always put the sub pages in same  blocks which have the chances of throwing same exception or might be possible different in case you forget to specify errors in sub process then use only one "Recovery" inside the same block, "Resume and Exception stage" could be outside the block.

3. Use blocks with different colours to differentiate  your "input, output, global and local dataitems" for better understanding.

4. While spying web elements from web pages always uncheck the link or url of the page from properties window in "Application Moduller", because it could be possible that your Url get change.

5. Always try to ignore writing logics inside the "Object", keep "Object" as simple as possible.

6. Keep "Error" count to "0". Use button next to "Reset" button in menu bar.

These  are all small tips that make your life easy while developing Bots.

Friday, 2 February 2018

Blue Prism trick to capture label on sap and set focus

This trick help you to spy label on sap and change its property and use it as according to your requirement.

Some time we are unable to set focus on label in sap because may be that label is inside some grid or shell, so to do that what we need to do is to spy the label first and check in navigation stage that do you able to get the focus option in drop down after dragging the label element if not then just spy the textbox anywhere from SAP and use its object id in place where label object id  in application moduller and try that label element in navigation stage you will find focus option.

Hey guys if you like this trick do comment below and if you have any questions on Automation anywhere or blue prism  please let me know.